How to behold internal images?
People who start their adventure with self-development or want to bring it to the next level often have problem with visualization. Many of them turn to me and ask: How to see mental images?
In this article I'll show you three simple and highly effective techniques. Thanks to them, the images will start to appear in your head with greater instensity and clarity.
Visualization is the key to proper use of most of the techniques associated with NLP, effective learning, setting goals or the law of attraction. It is therefore important that you have such ability in your mental tools set.
Self-development can largely be defined as the pursuit of desired state. This state has to be put somewhere in the future on our timeline, some time from now. Seeing what we want to achieve is the most important part of achieving it. Without this vision about future it's much harder to make changes in the present.
Therefore, it is extremely important to create visualization with rich colors that will consume you completely. Adding some sounds, smells, tastes and internal feelings creates a reference so strong, that your subconsciousness automatically directs all its attention towards achieving a given aim.
Regardless of whether your internal images are blurred or not there at all, using these exercises regularly will allow you to create beautiful visualizations, full of details :)
Here's the first one:
Exercise # 1
Close your eyes and recall a situation from your life, it can be a nice memory. For now, don't try to see the image. Focus on hearing the sounds that accompanied this memory. Take a moment to listen to what was going on. What are these sounds? Someone says something? How? Hear what you've heard back then. Now add to the sense of touch, actually touch in your imagination what was there - an object, clothes, whatever. Feel the surface of the object, its temperature, weight. Immerse yourself in the memory ... Add the smells that were there. Smell the air ... And now ... What do you see? See the image that appears. Keep it and enjoy the view. You've just created an internal image :)
This exercise activates senses other than sight, making it much easier to evoke the image associated with the memory. This is because each information is saved in the different area of the brain. Information about memories is not only visual but also acoustic, sensory, etc. Therefore, the activity of other areas of the brain helps you turn the sense of sight when you visualize. And now the second exercise:
Exercise # 2
Select an object located in your room. This can be a phone, a computer monitor, notebook, whatever. Put this item somewhere close to you so that you can easily look at it. Watch it carefully for about 5 seconds, then close your eyes and visualize what you just saw, as accurately as possible. Keep a picture of this object as long as you can. If the image flees, never mind. Open your eyes and repeat. After several series, select another item and do the same thing - watch it for 5 seconds, then close your eyes and imagine what you saw. Do it for 5 minutes a day.
Regularly practiced, this exercise will give you the ability to create accurate images on cue. It is a matter of training. Day by day, visualization will become more and more natural for you. When you master it, modify this exercise and create imaginary things in mind. Imagine some abstract things and keep them in your imagination for as long as possible.
Time for the third exercise:
Exercise # 3
Open book, preferably a narrative and the one that you like. Select the page randomly and start reading. After a few lines stop and close your eyes. Start imagining all of what you've just read about. Try to notice as many details as possible - people who are there, their surroundings, words they tell each other. For a minute create this visualization, then return to reading the book. After a few lines close your eyes again and create internal images. Repeat for about 5 minutes and practice every day.
Literature is high in colorful descriptions, which help to develop imagination. That you have read about what is in the picture often creates the picture automatically. In this exercise, you can also consciously focus on this visualization, being able to see even more details.
Those exercises can be used together, you can also select one or two of them, that are most relevant to you. Remember to exercise regularly. It's like riding a bike - once you learn, you'll be doing it forever and it becomes natural to you. And making rich visualization is the key to many developmental door. Finally, you can imagine your future full of success, get rid of negative emotions by using NLP techniques, memorize difficult issues using mnemonics and many other things. Go for it :)
Let us know about your results!