3 questions to ask yourself every morning

How do you start your day? The very first minutes after waking up have a huge influence on how your entire day looks like. They define our emotional state and our psychological attitude during the day.

Think about it for a moment - what kind of thoughts dominate your head every morning?
Do you wonder how much work you have to do or how hard the day will be? Or maybe you think about all the interesting things that may happen to you or how to make the day special?

Conscious directing your thoughts towards contructive tracks may be a great way to start a pleasant and productive day. How to do that?

I have this habit of asking myself three simple questions. Here they are:

1. If I had to do one thing today, what would it be?

Everybody knows, that we should start our work day with the most important, most difficult task.

When you finish the task, then you’re over the hump. Unfortunately, a lot of people have no idea how to set priorities. This question solves the problem. It eliminates all the irrelevant things, leaving only what matters the most. You can also try another option - ask yourself about 3 things to do instead of one.

2. What can I do differently today?

This question helps you get “out of the box” and boost your brain. It allows you to break the routine. When asked regularly, this is a great tool opening your head for a variety of new things.

Try to make even small changes in your daily schedule (cook something new for a dinner, go for a walk somewhere you’ve never been before), but just do something differently. Thanks to that, every day will be a surprise for you - full of curiosity and joy.

3. What will I do for myself today?

This question will help you avoid a situation, in which you neglect your need in favour of job, routine or other people’s expectations.

What’s more, it’s gonna help you take care of yourself, every single day. And that is the basis of self-esteem and good mood. You will handle every challenge more easily, and therefore derive more pleasure and joy from life.

Ask yourself those questions regularly. Thanks to that, at the end of every day you’ll be able to tell yourself: “That was really a great day”. I wish you that very very much, because the feeling which acompanies this thought is extraordinary.

I encourage you to take up the 7-day challenge. Every morning you spend 5 minutes on asking yourself those questions (and then act according to the answers). Let me know how it goes!
If you have your own ideas for this kind of questions, write them in comments :)

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