Insomnia? Fall asleep quickly and sleep well – part 2

Once you’ve take care about everything that was mentioned in the first part of this article, feel free to go to sleep. In this section I will show you what you can do to fall asleep quickly and effectively.

Once you’ve take care about everything that was mentioned in the first part of this article, feel free to go to sleep. In this section I will show you what you can do to fall asleep quickly and effectively.

Habits of thought are the most significant for your sleep. What you are thinking about has the greatest impact on whether you fall asleep or not. There are many ways to help you fall asleep once you are in bed. Here are some, according to me, most effective ones:

- Completely get rid of your mind all the negative thoughts, if any of them accompany you when trying to fall asleep. I noticed that sometimes in order to have a good night’s sleep it was enough for me to say to myself "Today I’ll sleep well" instead of "I won’t fall asleep again". If you start from the latter, perhaps you’ll fall into a spiral of negative thoughts, which won’t allow you to sleep through the night. Instead, from the very beginning when you lie down, think positively. You may think that it was a great day, and now you are waiting for a great night. Relax and really believe that today you’ll fall asleep quickly.

- Once you know that this night will be good, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and imagine some objects. In the beginning it can be fruit. See through the eyes of imagination an apple and look at it carefully. Watch all of its details, the color, size and shape. Involve every sense. Touch the apple and feel its skin and weight. Smell it, bite into it and feel the taste. Focus on the subject of your visualization as much as you can and visualize it for several minutes. If you notice that you can’t control your thoughts, calmly go back to the visualization. It is important that you engage in it every sense - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. It is an excellent exercise for concentration. If you do it every day (you can also do it during the day), it’ll be much easier for you to control thoughts. And this is the key to falling asleep because these are those thoughts that make you unable to fall asleep. I always fall asleep after 2 minutes of this exercise.

- You can also try other methods of visualization. Imagine sleepy or sleeping people. See how much they are tired, hear them yawn. See how deep their sleep is that nothing would wake them up. Enter into their state and after a while you’ll feel sleepy as well. More about visualization you can read here. 

- Listen to your thoughts. Perhaps you have a voice that speaks in your mind saying that you won’t fall asleep and that another sleepless night is ahead of you. Start to pay attention to this voice. Listen to its tone, intensity as well as consider whether it’s fast or slow. Listen to it for a while and then start to change its parameters.

As you have complete control over it start by making it speak quieter. Now slow down the pace. Let it speak very calmly and slowly. Give it a sleepy nature and let it yawn after every spoken word. Let the voice sound as if it was just about to fall from exhaustion. Let it yawn and say slowly, "I... yaawn really... yaawn ... feel ... yaawn like... yaawn ….sleeping…. yaawn .."

These techniques in no time allowed me to replace the long sleepless nights with healthy sleep. Remember that insomnia is not something that just happened to you, you do it to yourself. And you can change it. Practice these exercises every day and I am sure that you’ll start to enjoy long and deep sleep. Let others know in the comment section below what you think of these methods and how they work for you.

Good luck! :)

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