
Inner voice telling us "I don't like myself" is an increasingly common phenomenon in our society....

In this category I translate psychology into plain English. Do you need psychological knowledge? Do you crave exercises that are effective? In this category you will find both. Here I take emotionally and intellectually challenging subjects and put them into words that all of us can understand easier. Using cutting-edge knowledge I point you those topics, that are especially important in psychology and allow you to gain deeper understanding of yourself and others. I show interesting methods and techniques of psychological practice which you may use to your advantage – or you may show it to your loved ones if they are in need.

This category is a good place to find ways to change for the better and to find knowledge about psychological difficulties we all experience. If you want to understand in depth the struggles we all go through and if you need to find answers to your most pressing psychological question – here is the place, where you will get your knowledge of psychology to grow.