
Do you wish to learn by yourself or to teach others – efficiently? Are you looking for methods that enhance, rather than hinder? Do you want to teach through empowering and perfecting, and not through silencing and blind obedience? Do you worry that modern education might not meet today’s needs? I understand that perfectly – that’s why this category was created.

Here you will find articles that will help you see the issues of education from various perspectives. You will see opportunities that are given by alternative methods of education and you will discover to what greatness can a pupil be led if you don’t limit his potential.

The articles in this category will help you wonder about interesting alternatives for the current education. Perhaps you will discover a space for your own growth, and surely you will find innovative ways and ideas, which you will be able to use to empower both – yourself and/ or your pupils.

Those contents are not exclusively aimed at parents and teachers, but also towards young adults and adults, and all of those who feel that a better way to learn exists, and want to discover it.