Motivation is a choice
Motivation (or lack of it) isn’t connected with your genes or your personality. Motivation is a matter of choices you make every single day. Once you learn how to make decisions in harmony with yourself and your own needs, motivation will always be there with you, naturally.

Motivation (or lack of it) isn’t connected with your genes or your personality. Motivation is a matter of choices you make every single day. Once you learn how to make decisions in harmony with yourself and your own needs, motivation will always be there with you, naturally.
Like most people, you probably judge your own capabilites, and this judgement is usually based on existing activities. So if for the last few months you lacked some life energy, you may think of yourself as a lazy person, who doesn’t feel like doing anything.
If, until now, you lacked motivation, you were putting off things for later, and you were a flash in the pan - you could have said: "Something is wrong with me."
Past experiences may have affected the way you see yourself. You determined your identity based on your own previous behavior.
Good news! This is a fallacy, which results from limited perspective and a lack of understanding of the true nature of motivation.
Lack of motivation is a natural response to the decision you make against yourself. If until now you kept chosing the path you didn’t really want to follow, no surprise you lacked motivation. You are not a flash in the pan because of your personality, but because of your decisions. Decions about which actions you should take.
If you decide to spend the rest of your life in a boring job, sitting in a cramped cubicle for eight hours a day doing meaningless things - lack of motivation will be a natural response to the chosen life path.
But if you decide that for the rest of your life you will be doing something that gives you more or less pleasure, the energy to act will turn up without any additional tricks or methods.
Motivation is a natural result of the life you choose to live.
The person with whom I worked lately during coaching session wanted to change her career to a more satisfying one. But she had difficulties with making a decision to change, because she thought she can’t handle it. She was trying to predict her future behavior and the nature of her further action on the basis of how she coped so far in her boring and uninteresting work.
Provide for their future behavior and the nature of its further actions on the basis of how coped so far in boring and uninteresting work. The turning point was understanding the reasons for the lack of motivation. She also realized that making other choices will allow the "disclosure" of new, desirable traits.
My friend says that she totally lacks motivation to act, whereas I observe with interest how she takes care of her houseplants - with great care, attention and determination.
Changing your life path to a more interesting, and the one that matches your personality may change your life beyond recognition. Suddenly, it can turn out that desire to act, self-discipline and determination in achieving new goals is naturally there.
How do you know if that happens? See how you feel when thinking of new activities. Imagine that you've already made a decision and observe your emotions. Your intuition already knows the answer, and surely will prompt you whether this is a good direction or not. Internal feelings are the best measure of good decisions. If something tells you that your life will change for the better if you go this way, do it.
Making good decisions is an art, and the most important result is the desire to act in accordance with the selected direction.
Motivation is a commodity available to everyone. Act in harmony with yourself and treat current failures not as a defect of your personality, but as a result of wrong decisions. And such decisions can be changed, even if it would turn your life upside down.