Make others feel good in your company
What I am going to talk about today is crucial in creating great realtionships with others. If you want people to love being around you, keep on reading. I will show you a simple concept thanks to which you will start seeing yourself and the role you play in building social relations differently.

What I am going to talk about today is crucial in creating great realtionships with others. If you want people to love being around you, keep on reading. I will show you a simple concept thanks to which you will start seeing yourself and the role you play in building social relations differently.
Maybe you have wondered what exactly do some people have that others want to be around them. How is it possible that everybody wants to see them and talk to them while you never experience that. Well, the first thing you have to understand is that you are not missing anything they have got. The difference may be seen in what they do, and what you may not be doing (it is possible some of you may think you don’t need to be as popular as the people I am talking about here. I use to think the same until I found out about this concept). The difference lies in doing or not doing certain things, and not in the possession of certain qualities. And I am not talking about complimenting others all the time here. It's about something completely different.
Where the relationship begins
The second very important thing to remember is that a relationship with another person always starts with you. What does that mean? I mean, even before you meet another person and begin to talk to them, you already have an influence on how this conversation is going to look like. This refers to how you feel before you form that relationship (remember that any contact with another person means creating some sort of relationship). What I want you to understand through this article is that your emotional state plays the biggest role in whether others will love your company or not. If you feel bad, you're sad and upset, and then you meet someone and you talk to them, this person will also feel sad. And if someone is going to feel bad in your company, they won’t want to be around you!
Yogurts are like people
Recently I have read about an interesting experiment. Some researchers have put two cartons of yogurt within few meters next to each other, connecting them to device measuring their level of electrical activity. They have added some milk to yogurt A. The machine has shown that after the ingredients were mixed a very strong reaction occurred. The device has also shown that at the same time, yogurt B has reacted, even though milk hasn’t been added to it. One can observe a similar situation occuring between people. If at first you feel great, you'll be smiling and joyful, others will feel the same in your company. You will vibrate with positive energy which will affect others. These vibrations will make them feel well and happy in your company. And it will be the most important reason why people will want to be with you more often.
Emanate a positive energy
This is the key to make people enjoy spending time with you. I remember I had a friend in high school, which everybody liked. Everyone wanted to talk to him and be around him. He was probably doing it unconsciously, but he attracted people at all times. He emanated a positive energy and that was the secret of his success. You can be like him too. Every time you meet someone to interact with, first - feel good. Smile and feel great, and then meet others. Your emotional state will be noticeable to everyone around you. They will feel better in your company, and will want to be around you more often. It is very simple and very effective.
I want you to try out what you have just read about within the next couple of days. Effects are immediate, and the sight of people who feel good thanks to your attitude is really valuable and motivating. You have a chance to make many new friends who will love being around you.