How to quickly improve the efficiency of your brain?

Brain is an organ that consumes a lot of energy, it needs much "fuel" to function properly and efficiently. By providing it with the relevant ingredients you can increase your brain power in a very short time.

Brain is an organ that consumes a lot of energy, it needs much "fuel" to function properly and efficiently. By providing it with the relevant ingredients you can increase your brain power in a very short time.

Recently, I wrote about the brain diet. I focused on the significant impact of our nutrition on the brain performance. Changing your diet in accordance with those tips helps to improve the performance of this organ in the long term. It is not enough to once eat nuts or help yourself to a fish – your brain will benefit if such products are consumed regularly. The advantages of doing so will be significant and distinct.

In this article, and I'll show you how to increase the efficiency of your brain in a short time. You’ll get to know what you can do just before learning or doing some other mental activity in order to achieve better results. The pieces of advice I’ll describe have a quick effect, but they are not long lasting. Despite this, they’re worth remembering as the brain without its fuel doesn’t work efficiently.

The brain is composed mainly of fat, but it isn’t used as an energy source but to insulate and protect neurons. Therefore, the brain absorbs energy in the form of glucose from the rest of the body. This organ is very sensitive to the fluctuations of this component in the blood. When glucose supply is interrupted, the brain uses its own inventories in 5-10 minutes. When processing glucose, oxygen is very important as it provides brain cells with certain chemical compounds.

The increased supply of these two components, namely glucose and oxygen has a beneficial effect on memory, and more specifically, to the encoding process. Encoding is a moment in which you learn new information. Thanks to this "fuel", information is better and more fully encoded in the memory.

How to increase the supply of oxygen?

The effects of the increased oxygen inflow only work for a few minutes. Therefore, it’s worth maintaining an increased supply of this component through the process of learning or being engaged in other activities. The best way here is to thoroughly ventilate the room where you are and then take a few deep breaths (remember to breathe in the air through the nose-breathing in cold air through the mouth can lead to catching a cold). This step can be repeated every few minutes. As you can see this is a very simple way, but how effective!

Glucose supply

The positive effects of the increased inflow of glucose last for up to 3 hours, and the effects appear rapidly after its intake. Glucose,  apart from being a regular body fuel, also participates in the formation of acetylcholine, one of the neurotransmitters. It’s involved in some memory processes. The best way to increase the supply of glucose is to consume sweet drinks half an hour before the desired increase in mental activity. Such a form of this valuable element is very easily absorbed and quickly gets into our blood.

When I tested these methods before learning difficult material, my mental abilities noticeably increased. It was much easier for me to concentrate and memorize even complex issues. Now, I always try to remember the sweet drink and ventilated room. Give your mental machine a chance to be in top gear and pour in some fuel!

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